In short
Mystic Sense is a reasonably recent psychic website dedicated to offering guidance and support to those looking for it. People around the globe can get the instant guidance they need when it comes to relationships, careers or even their futures, whether in the form of tarot readings, cartomancy, among many others. Their website uses a strict evaluation process to safeguard that the best readings are always delivered and customers are comfortable with any advisors on offer. Mystic Sense has its headquarters in Houston, Texas, but caters its psychic services to customers throughout the world. This psychic reading company has put in a considerable amount of effort into the recruitment of genuine psychic advisors who focus on many fields such as mental readings, tarot cards, daily horoscope readings, body and spirit and love and relationships. All these specialties can be accessed by means of a phone call or online chat for a live reading.
Visit Mystic SenseWhat does it cost?
Paying for a psychic reading with Mystic Sense is very flexible and made extremely affordable thanks to the number of professionals that are available on the website. Prices range from less than $1 per minute and can go up to around $5, depending on the psychic you have selected. The average per-minute cost is approximately $2.49. Classically, the more expensive psychics are the ones that have a higher reputation and a greater network of customers, but that is not to say that the least expensive professionals are not equally as gifted. All psychics must first be approved by Mystic Sense before being eligible for the website. Mystic Sense gives new members a very flexible and generous introductory package for anyone looking to get some insight on their destiny. The cost differences are related to how customers perceive their readings. Some advisors work with by-phone counseling, while others may also opt for messages or video-call readings. Video calling is more expensive but offers slightly more accurate spiritual insights. Most of the psychics available on Mystic Sense are accessible via phone, on-site chat,or video call. Special offers and discounts are, in most part, dependent on the counselor. Mystic Sense only connects readers to mediums, so it does not influence costs.
What makes them credible and unique?
What really sets Mystic Sense apart from other websites is that you can search according to the tone of the psychic. Everyone takes in information differently and the way this information is delivered to us can make or break our ability to comprehend it. You can decide to have a reading with a Mystic Sense psychic whose tone is more sympathetic, sensitive, direct, thoughtful or wise. The site also features regularly updated articles on topics for reducing stress and other mental-health-related subjects. Mystic Sense provides you with the option to pick between many types of psychic readings depending on what answers you are in search of. You can filter down the different categories and screen by specialties, subject and expertise, tools and reading style. In terms of specialties, the possibilities range from fortune tellers to pet mediums to love psychics. Therefore, if you are looking for a place to find a talented psychic with a host of different specializations, this is a great place to get things started. Other ways of finding the right psychic include filtering by topics such as love and relationships, family, sexuality, dream interpretations, work-life balance among a lot more options that are easily available to you. Whatever it is you are going through in life, these psychic readings can help you tackle all of the obstacles that might come your way. Interested in angel cards, ruins, reiki, tarot, dowsing, crystals or other readings that employ the use of objects? Then all you need to do is search according to those parameters if you are looking for psychic readings that use different tools and imagery to provide you with a new perspective on life.
How does it work?
You can get the guidance you need over the phone, live chat, or video call, whichever you prefer, and costs are very affordable when compared to similar providers. Mystic Sense guarantees that all customer experiences, whether you favor tarot readings or love readings, are done by skilled and gifted counsellors. The process of becoming a working psychic on this website is not easy and requires going through a rigorous selection process. If an advisor gets confirmed, they then must maintain the Mystic Sense standards or they will be removed from the website altogether. Should you be unsure about a psychic on the website, just check their past reviews in order to get a glimpse of what other people have to say. Mystic Sense makes it clear on what your data will be used for and is committed to not selling any information on to third parties. All details surrounding data usage can be found on the privacy policy page of the website and is pointed out in a very transparent manner. The company is open about what data will be required from its customers, such as contact and payment information and ensures all confidential details are protected, so there is little to no chance of it being exposed.
Which Psychics do they offer?
There are various types of readings and psychics on offer and you are stimulated to try out different ones until you find the match that is right for you. As for your sessions, they can be as long or as short as you would like. Depending on your preference, you can choose to have your psychic session over the phone or via webchat, SMS or video call. The options are entirely up to you so pick what makes you feel most at ease with. Mystic Sense has a variety of readings to help you uncover understandings and provide you with the tools you need to get you on the right track.
Here is an overview of the types of readings you can find on Mystic Sense’s website:
Medium Readings – Psychic mediums have the capacity to obtain and understand information with those that have left us too soon. Be sure to try this type of reading if you want to communicate with a lost loved one.
Pet Readings – Ever have that feeling your pet is trying to tell you something? Get a pet reading to better understand your esteemed friends.
Clairvoyant Readings – Using all their senses, a clairvoyant psychic will be able to tap into their third eye and provide you with clear perceptions relating to certain issues or events that have happened in your life.
Clairaudient Readings – In this type of reading, a clairaudient psychic medium will use their abilities of hearing messages through spirits and other higher beings to provide you with the information and clarity you require.
Love Readings – Interested to know if you will stay with your partner forever? Or perhaps you want to know when you will finally find love? Get a love reading to answer all these questions and more.
Career Readings – If you are unsure about your career path or are at a crossroads, a career reading will straighten your mind and give you the viewpoint you need to make the right decisions.
Tarot Card Readings – Get a Mystic Sense tarot reading to gain insight on your past, present and future by drawing cards and then inferring their meanings.
Astrology Readings – Using your birth chart and the positions of the planets on the day you were born, with Mystic Sense’s astrology reading, you will be able to better understand yourself and what is in store for you.
- First 5 minutes FREE
- Multiple ways of connecting with psychics
- Blog with interesting articles on spiritual topics
- Select psychics through various categories
- A community forum where you are able to get help and find answers
- Social media presence leaves you up to date across all platforms
- No mobile app available
Final Verdict
The variety of the readings coupled with talented psychics is the main advantage of the Mystic Sense online service. You can find exactly what you are looking for down to the different tools used in readings and all the way to the tone of a reading. Moreover, the ability to communicate with the psychics through various methods, including phone, chat and video call, is something to appreciate. Mystic Sense is a pleasing website for all the psychic readings one could possibly want to try. The website is really easy to comprehend and the same goes for the Mystic Sensefree reading, where the first five minutes of your session is completely free. Though Mystic Sense is one of the newer outlets available for psychic readings, finding a gifted advisor that can support you is really easy. Whether you are browsing for a tarot reading or you are seeking out the guidance of an experienced clairvoyant, all this can be found on the Mystic Sense website.

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